Great News from Europe… ITN project “STiBNite” approved.

1 Jul

15 Early-Stage Researcher (ESR, PhD) positions as part of the Innovative Training Network of the European Commission STiBNite “Tailored materials for Sustainable Technologies: programming functional molecular components through Boron-Nitrogen doping” coordinated by Prof. Davide Bonifazi @Vienna. 2 PhD positions available … Read More »

Newly accepted

11 Dec

Waste minimized synthesis of pharmaceutically active compounds via heterogeneous manganese catalysed C–H oxidation in flow Luigi Vaccaro , Francesco Ferlin , Daniela Lanari , Pilar Maria Luque Navarro and Yanlong Gu , DOI: 10.1039/C9GC02961C (Paper) Green Chem., 2019, Accepted Manuscript